Event : Circle Insight 27/09/2023 – AI for Gender Diversity

29 August 2023

Events, communities, targeted communication… strategy consulting firms are multiplying initiatives to increase the presence of women. However, these levers only have a limited impact. Today, women represent just 17% of the partnership in French strategy consulting firms (source: Consultor). This figure is even more striking when you consider that they account for 40% of young graduates from the target schools. How can such an imbalance be explained? Lack of work/life balance, lack of female role models, the role of bias throughout the career path… . In this context, is AI a solution or a challenge to the presence of women in strategy consulting?

On September 27 at 6:30pm, our round table “AI for gender diversity” will take place at WeWork La Fayette (Paris 9e). We’ll be delighted to welcome Angélique Gérard, special advisor to iliad and President of STEM ACADEMY, and Gérald Karsenti, Senior Advisor at Qualium Investissement, affiliated professor at HEC Paris and former CEO of SAP France. They will be accompanied by Laetitia Fouquet-Carpinelli, Principal at Circle Strategy. Come and discover their views on the future impact of AI on the daily lives of women in strategy consulting, as well as the major challenges that its use will carry.

This panel discussion will be followed by a cocktail reception with our consultants. They will be delighted to share their day-to-day experiences with you, our career opportunities and to answer all your questions.

We look forward to counting you in !

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